Alex Bocchieri

I am a CS PhD student at UW-Madison in the Computational Optics Group. I am currently researching novel methods for gamma ray imaging using a scintillator and a SPAD camera.

Previously as a master's student at Johns Hopkins University, I worked in deep learning and medical image analysis.

Representative work is highlighted.

Email  /  CV  /  Github

profile photo
Scintillation event imaging with a single photon avalanche diode camera
Alex Bocchieri, Edoardo Charbon, Andreas Velten
Communications Engineering, 2024
Paper / Code and data / Bibtex

We capture the first images of scintillation events taken with a SPAD camera and locate the events in 3D space.

Can multi-label classification networks know what they don’t know?
Haoran Wang*, Weitang Liu, Alex Bocchieri, Yixuan Li*
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021
* equal contribution
Paper / Code / Bibtex

Aggregated label-wise energy scores improve out-of-distribution detection performance in a multi-label classification setting.

A phase Ib/IIa, open-label, multiple ascending-dose trial of domagrozumab in fukutin-related protein limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
Doris G. Leung, Alex E. Bocchieri, Shivani Ahlawat, Michael A. Jacobs, Vishwa S. Parekh, Vladimir Braverman, Katherine Summerton, Jennifer Mansour, Nikia Stinson, Genila Bibat, Carl Morris, Shannon Marraffino, Kathryn R. Wagner
Muscle & Nerve, 64(2), 2021
Paper / Bibtex

Our deep learning segmentation model is used in evaluating progression of muscular dystrophy in a clincal trial.

Multitask radiological modality invariant landmark localization using deep reinforcement learning
Vishwa S. Parekh*, Alex E. Bocchieri*, Vladimir Braverman, Michael A. Jacobs
* equal contribution
Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2020
Paper / Video / Code (3D) / Code (2D) / Bibtex

Localize diverese organs/landmarks within 2D and 3D MRI using single and multi-agent deep reinforcement learning.

Longitudinal functional and imaging outcome measures in FKRP limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
Doris G. Leung, Alex E. Bocchieri, Shivani Ahlawat, Michael A. Jacobs, Vishwa S. Parekh, Vladimir Braverman, Katherine Summerton, Jennifer Mansour, Genila Bibat, Carl Morris, Shannon Marraffino, Kathryn R. Wagner
BMC Neurology, 20, 2020

Our deep learning segmentation model is used in evaluating progression of muscular dystrophy in a clincal trial.

Multiparametric Deep Learning Tissue Signatures for Muscular Dystrophy: Preliminary Results
Alex E. Bocchieri, Vishwa S. Parekh, Kathryn R. Wagner, Shivani Ahlawat, Vladimir Braverman, Doris G. Leung, Michael A. Jacobs
Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2019
Paper / Bibtex

Deep learning used for segmenting fat, muscle, and fat-infiltrated tissue in mulitparametric MRIs of the thighs.

Poster Presentations
Scintillation-Based Gamma Imaging with SPAD Camera
Alex Bocchieri, Atul Ingle, Andreas Velten
NNSA ETI , UPR 2021 at Georgia Tech

We propose a new gamma ray imager using a SPAD camera with preliminary Geant4 simulations.

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